Hope makes itself every day
springs up from the tiniest places
No one gives it to us
We just notice it
quiet in the small moment
the two-year-old
“kissing the window” he said
because someone he loved
was out there.
— Window, by Naomi Shihab Nye
I have been a Democrat since I was in high school in the ‘70s. To me, even though I knew no political party was perfect, the Democratic Party symbolized hope for a better future for everyone. It also shared my values most closely: public education, equality, diversity, science, the arts and the party seemed willing to face our history in hopes of learning from it so we could do better moving ahead.
Of course, the Democratic Party is just that — a political party. It is not a religion or a cult or an “everyone thinks the same or else” group. It has plenty of flaws, but it continues to encourage discussion, research and civility.
My dad was a Republican (but in a Republican party that was much different than the present party) and my mom was a Democrat. My dad was emotionally distant, hard working and into keeping up appearances and maintaining control. My mom was warm, non-judgmental, fair, accepting, artistic and willing to search out the new and different in hopes of finding better ways forward. I was much more comfortable with my mom’s wild, “say yes to life” approach, so I followed her lead in politics. A party that was working on making the world a more compassionate place gave me hope.
Jimmy Carter was the first President my vote helped elect. I always liked Jimmy Carter, as our President and as a person. He received the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize and spent his life striving for a better world, building houses with his own hands, fighting river blindness (onchocerciasis) in Africa and promoting democracy worldwide. He didn’t give us a lot of drama; he just worked toward the things he considered important. He was — and still is — a magnificent human being, even in his dying days. His example gives me hope.
Our local party is also a great example of why I am a Democrat. We have heated discussions, we disagree, debate and try to respect each other’s opinions — though sometimes our meetings are the perfect example of “herding cats.” That’s what I love about it. We don’t expect each other to vote in lock step or think the same, but we continue to work forward toward goals and principles that we share. There is passionate, sometimes heated, discussion and plenty of laughter and forgiveness.
As the Democratic Party of Douglas County we continue to question authority when necessary, we speak out in defense of our environment (though not loudly enough), we rally for women’s reproductive rights, fair elections, equality and we push forward. That gives me hope.
What would I like to see improve in the Democratic Party of Douglas County? I would like to see more registered Democrats come out of the political closet and join in our activities, volunteer at our events and vote in every election — local and national. We may be the minority party in Douglas County, but to repeat an often used quote: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world” — Margaret Mead.
The Democratic Party of Douglas County is a small (but growing) group of thoughtful, committed individuals. I know we can help make Douglas County a place that feels welcoming to all people, therefore diversifying our economy, while nurturing our unique and beautiful landscape. This gives me hope.
And finally, I would like to say thank you to our DPDC Chair Carla Van der Vorst. She has encouraged the DPDC Executive Committee, Committee Chairs and active volunteers to write their own thoughts on the Democratic Party. For me it is important to know we don’t all think alike. We continue learning, finding our own ways forward and we are willing to consider different ways to be Democrats, together. It is nice to know she respects us as individuals and trusts that our differing views of the Democratic Party are what make it stronger and an interesting mix of individual thinkers.
This article was published in the News-Review on Jul 2 2023.