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Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall conduct all necessary business of the Central Committee between meetings of the Central Committee.  The Executive Committee shall have all of the power of the Central Committee, subject to review and approval at the next Central Committee meeting, whenever practicable. It shall coordinate activities of all Standing Committees and plan the agenda for Central Committee meetings.  See Article 12 of Bylaws.


The following groups are part of Executive Committee


The committee can be reached by emailing us from our main Contact page. Your email will be forwarded to the appropriate individuals.

DPDC office in Roseburg

State Central Committee Delegates

Delegates to the State Central Committee  shall attend all SCC meetings and perform the duties prescribed by Oregon State law and the bylaws of the Democratic Party of Oregon, as well as directives of the Party, as well as make reports to the Executive and Central Committee Community about the business of the SCC. See Article 8 and 9 of Bylaws.


  • Andrew Rosales

  • Rian Berriman

  • Susan Mesik


  1. Kevin Bell

  2. Connie Page

  3. Scott Perkins


Since 2018 we have passed many Resolutions to officially support, or oppose issues. The full list can be found here.


The full text of all our Bylaws are included here.


Central Committee Members

Our Central Committee members are the heart of our work. The issues and initiatives of the Democratic Party of Douglas County all pass through this Committee.  The members of the committee are all our elected and appointed Precinct Committee Persons.  Interested in becoming a Precinct Committee Person? Please see our Volunteer Opportunities page. The meetings are typically hybrid and members of the public are welcomed.

Committee and Caucus Chairs

Our Committee Chairs are appointed as needed to cover major initiatives.  Meeting schedules are set by the Chair of each Committee. Reports from these Committees are shared with Central Committee and Executive Committee.

  • Outreach and Events Committee Chairs - Richard Chasm and Betsy Cunningham

  • Candidate, Organization and PCP Recruitment and Support Committee Chair - Betsy Cunningham

  • Platform, Resolutions and Legislation Committee Chair - Lupe Preciado-McAlister

  • Ways & Means Committee Chair- Mike Fieldman

  • Rules Committee Chair - open

  • Stonewall Caucus Chair - Dane Zahner

Congressional District Delegates

Delegates to all Congressional Districts shall perform the duties prescribed by the Congressional District Committees and the Democratic Party of Oregon (DPO). as well as directives of the Party. They shall also carry forward any Party Resolutions or other actions directed by the Party to the Congressional Committee through various means to assure timely action and consideration, but no later than the next CD Committee meeting. Delegates to any Congressional District Committee who have two consecutive unexcused absences from either the Congressional District meetings, Executive Committee meetings, or three from the Douglas County Central Committee meetings are considered to have resigned as a delegate.  See Article 8 and 9 of Bylaws.

CD 4 Delegates:

  • Dorcas Shaktman

  • Lupe Preciado-McAlister

  • Andrew Rosales

CD 4 Alternates:

  1. Susan Mesik

  2. Kevin Bill

  3. open


CD 2 positions are all open. There can be 2 Delegates and 2 Alternates.

Officers of Central Committee



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