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1.1  ORGANIZATION: This Committee is organized and exists as a major political party county central committee as provided in ORS Chapter Chapter 248


1.2 NAME: The name of this organization is “Douglas County Democratic Central Committee” (hereinafter called “Central Committee”) also known as Democratic Party of Douglas County or Douglas County Democrats, or DPDC.​

DPDC Bylaws

DPDC logo


2.1 OBJECTIVE:  The objective of the Central Committee shall be to further the aims of the Democratic Party (hereinafter called the “Party”), to assist in the election of party and other progressive candidates and to educate party members and the general community on relevant policy and political issues of importance to our community and the Party. 


3.1  AUTHORITY: The Central Committee is the highest authority in Democratic matters of the Party in Douglas County, Oregon, and shall have all powers given it by the State of Oregon to manage its affairs and transact its business. The legislative power of the County Party shall be vested in the Central Committee. The Central Committee exercises its authority by a majority vote (unless otherwise specified) with a quorum present. 


4.1 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION:  The Central Committee shall insure the widest and fairest representation of registered Democrats in its organization and activities of the Party in Douglas County, Oregon. All rules shall be adopted by procedures that assure fair and open participation. Discrimination in the conduct of affairs based on race, sex, gender identity, age, color, creed, national origin, religion, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, economic status, disability, parenthood, or marital status shall be prohibited. All meetings of the Central Committee shall be open to the public. 


5.1 MEETINGS: All Party Meetings, including, but not limited to, Executive, Organization, Standing/Special Committees, Platform Convention, Central Committee meetings, may be held either in-person or electronically or a hybrid of in-person and electronic, as determined by the Chair. A virtual meeting platform that allows online and telephone access with bi-directional aural communication must be used. Any ballot vote held at a meeting must be accessible to every credentialed voter in its respective physical or electronic form, whenever applicable. 

5.2 MEMBERSHIP:  The Party Precinct Committee Persons of Douglas County shall constitute the Central Committee. Precinct Committee Persons shall be elected in the manner provided by Oregon law. Oregon law requires a person receive at least three votes during a Primary Election and be a registered Oregon Democrat for at least six months prior to the filing date. A person may be appointed as a Precinct Committee Person by election at a Central Committee meeting. He/She must be present at said meeting or submit a written request. A Committee person may resign by written notice to the Central Committee Secretary or be recalled in the manner provided by State Law.

5.3 VACANCIES IN OFFICE OF PRECINCT COMMITTEE PERSON:  In the event the County Clerk shall declare a vacancy in the office of a Precinct Committee Person, the vacancy shall be filled in the manner provided by law. Democrats should be active party volunteers before being considered for appointment to be a PCP. The Central Committee may, at any meeting at which a quorum is present, select a person to fill a vacancy. The Executive Committee may, in advance of a selection to fill any vacancy, screen the person nominated for eligibility and make its recommendation. The County Clerk shall determine the eligibility of any person so selected in the manner provided by law, i.e., the person lives in that or an adjacent precinct. Persons to be selected to fill a vacancy must consent to selection.

5.4 DUTIES:  The Central Committee shall:


5.4.1 Elect the officers of the Central Committee.


5.4.2 Fill vacancies in the Central Committee officers.


5.4.3 Approve action of the Executive Committee when required. (See Article 12.3)

5.4.4 Adopt Substantive Resolutions, procedure for which is outlined in Article XVI.

5.4.5 Call a County Convention of the Party if the Executive Committee or Central Committee requests.

5.4.6 Elect delegates and alternates to the State Central Committee and all Congressional District Committees. Delegates to said committees shall be elected or appointed precinct persons or any registered Douglas County Democrat.


5.4.7 Transact business consistent with Oregon State Law.


7.1  OFFICERS OF THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE:  The officers of the Central Committee are Chair, Vice-Chair (of differing gender identity; a goal, though not required), Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer. The Central Committee may elect additional officers.  Eligibility: any legal resident of Douglas County who is a registered Democrat for a minimum of six months. The officers shall be nominated from the floor and elected at the organizational meeting of the Central Committee . 


7.2  VOTING FOR OFFICERS:  Voting shall be by secret ballot at an open and public meeting by a simple majority (50% plus 1).  If no candidate achieves a simple majority, there shall be a run-off election between the two (2) candidates with the highest number of votes.  Only Precinct Committee Persons elected in the primary election may vote for officers.




7.3.1   CHAIR shall:  Preside at all meetings of the Central Committee and the Executive Committee.  The party Chair shall be a delegate to the State Central Committee, and may be a Congressional Committee Delegate.  The Chair shall appoint all standing or special committees and the committees shall serve at the pleasure of the Chair.  If the Chair is a precinct committee person, he/she shall have all the privileges of debate and voting accorded to all Central Committee persons.  The Chair may appoint legal counsel for the Democratic Party of Douglas County.  The Chair may appoint an Audit Committee (consisting of a committee of three, or a certified public accountant).  The Chair shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.

7.3.2   VICE-CHAIR shall: Preside in the absence of the Chair and shall act as Chair when the office is vacant, until a successor is elected.

7.3.3 SECRETARY: In the event that one person is not willing to serve in both of the following, two individuals may serve one each as follows:


7.3.3.a  RECORDING SECRETARY shall: update and maintain records for the Central Committee and maintain a copy for the office and keep minutes of both the Central Committee and Executive Committee meetings, provide copies of the minutes to the Chair within 10 days after said meeting and keep a copy on file, maintain a correct record of the current bylaws, forward the minutes to the Corresponding Secretary within 15 days after meeting of the Central Committee to be distributed electronically and add date of next meeting to bottom of minutes, and keep a list of precinct committee persons attending Central Committee meetings. 

7.3.3.b  CORRESPONDING SECRETARY shall: update and maintain email list of Douglas County Central Committee and its confidentiality, send e-mails which identify local and state Democratic issues, forward Central Committee minutes via email, and send emails regarding monthly meeting dates and agenda, attend Executive Committee and Central Committee meetings regularly, maintain the “VAN” and “My Campaign” lists for the Central Committee. Maintain, send correspondence regarding special situations or as directed by the Chair and add date of next meeting to bottom of minutes. Maintain an up-to-date roster of precinct committee persons, send notice to the Douglas County Clerk when the Central Committee elects a person to fill a vacancy in the precinct.

7.3.5   In the event that there is not one individual willing to fill the secretarial duties, two people may serve, one as Recording Secretary and one as Corresponding Secretary. 


7.3.6   TREASURER shall: have custody of the funds of the Central Committee and shall keep an account of all receipts and expenditure. The treasurer shall issue checks only upon authorization of the Central Committee, the Executive Committee, or the adopted budget. The treasurer shall submit to the Chair a reasonable number of copies of a written financial report at each Central Committee and Executive Committee meeting. The Treasurer’s books shall be open to inspection on the written request of any member of the Central Committee. The inspection shall be offered no later than seven (7) days after receipt of the notice. The Treasurer shall have the books ready for audit at the end of his/her term of office or at any time upon request of the Central Committee or the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall be a member of the Ways and Means Committee. Two authorized signatures shall be required on all checks for any amount greater than $250.00 drawn against the Central Committee funds, if not included in the current year’s approved budget.

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6.1  ORGANIZATION MEETING: As required under state law, this meeting will be for the purpose of organizing the Douglas County Democratic Central Committee by electing officers, delegates to the State Central Committee and all Congressional District Committees. Other committees as are necessary for the operation of the Central Committee shall be appointed by the Chair. This meeting shall take place after the general election and not later than 50 days after said election. Copies of the current bylaws will be available at the meeting for all precinct persons. All elected and appointed Precinct Committee Persons may vote to select the State State Central Committee and all Congressional District Delegates and Alternates. (see 7.2 below)


6.2      Corresponding Secretary will: 1)  within seven days after the general election, electronically notify the county clerk's office, the secretary of the State Central Committee, and all Democratic precinct committee persons regarding the date, time, and place of the Organization meeting*; 2) not less than 10 days prior to the organization meeting, obtain a certified copy of all precinct committee persons from the county clerk to be used for credentialing at the Organization meeting; 3)  not less than 10 days prior to the Organization meeting, again notify all precinct committee persons regarding the date, time, and place of the meeting, along with any details desired by the Chair.  * Precinct committee persons who do not have email will be contacted telephonically and/or by mail by the Corresponding Secretary

6.3      The Corresponding Secretary must notify the local media ten (10) days prior to the meeting date.


6.4      After the organizational meeting, the newly elected Corresponding Secretary will send a list of newly elected officers to the Douglas County Clerk and to the Secretary of the State Central Committee within 48 hours of the election of officers. The Corresponding Secretary shall send a list of delegates and alternates to the State Central Committee and the Congressional District within 48 hours of the election.


6.5      Resignation and Recall of Central Committee Officers and Members of the Executive Committee.


6.5.1   An officer of the Central Committee, a Chair or Vice-Chair of any committee, any member of the Executive Committee, and any State Central Committee Delegate may resign by submitting written notice to the County Chair and such resignation shall be effective immediately upon receipt thereof by the County Chair. In case of the County Chair, resignation shall be effective immediately upon receipt thereof by the Vice-Chair.

6.5.2   Recall      By vote of the majority at any meeting of the Central Committee where at least 20% of the total number of the precincts are represented, any officer of the Central Committee, Delegate to the State Central Committee, or Congressional District Delegate may be recalled for cause, including but not limited to:   Absence from three Central Committee meetings during any twelve month period.   Except in the case of Congressional District Delegates, absence from three Executive Committee meetings during any twelve-month period.   Declaration of candidacy for any non-Democratic nomination for elective office (in a partisan race).   Endorsement of any non-Democratic candidate for elective office.      The person to be recalled must be notified 10 days prior to the meeting in which the proposed action is to occur.

6.5.3   Upon notification that a State or Congressional Delegate has missed (unexcused) three consecutive District of State meetings, the position will be declared vacant and they will be replaced at the next meeting of the Central Committee.


6.5.4   At the next meeting following the death, resignation, or recall of the Chair, Vice-Chair, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, or Treasurer, candidates to fill such vacancy shall be nominated. The Central Committee shall fill the vacancy from the candidates nominated at the meeting. Voting shall be by secret ballot at open and public meetings and a simple majority shall be required to elect.


6.5.5   Temporary appointment to fill vacancies. The Executive Committee may make temporary appointments to fill vacancies in the positions of Vice-Chair, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, or Treasurer from the time such vacancies occur until the unexpired terms can be filled by special election as provided in paragraph 6.5.4. Any person so appointed shall enjoy full powers of the office until such time as the vacancy is filled.




8.1.1 DELEGATION: The Delegation to the State Central Committee (SCC) shall consist of Delegates and Alternates. 


8.1.2 DELEGATES: Delegates to the State Central Committee  shall attend all SCC meetings and perform the duties prescribed by Oregon State law and the bylaws of the Democratic Party of Oregon, as well as directives of the Party, as well as make reports to the Executive and Central Committee Community about the business of the SCC. 


8.1.3 ALTERNATES: An Alternate shall attend the State Central Committee meeting and have voting privileges if the Delegate is unable to attend. State Central Committee meetings are quarterly.  


8.1.3 RESIGNATION: Delegates or Alternates who have three consecutive unexcused absences from either the Douglas County Central Committee meetings, Executive Committee meetings, or the State Central Committee meetings are considered as having resigned as a delegate. Alternates who miss three consecutive Douglas County Central Committee meetings are considered to have resigned.


Delegates to all Congressional Districts shall perform the duties prescribed by the Congressional District Committees and the Democratic Party of Oregon. as well as directives of the Party. They shall also carry forward any Party Resolutions or other actions directed by the Party to the Congressional Committee through various means to assure timely action and consideration, but no later than the next CD Committee meeting. Delegates to any Congressional District Committee who have two consecutive unexcused absences from either the Congressional District meetings, Executive Committee meetings, or three from the Douglas County Central Committee meetings are considered to have resigned as a delegate. 


8.2.1 An Alternate for the appropriate Congressional District shall attend the Congressional District Committee’s meeting and have voting privileges if the Delegate for that Committee is unable to attend. Delegates to any Congressional District Committee who have two consecutive unexcused absences from either the Congressional District meetings, Executive Committee meetings, or three from the Douglas County Central Committee meetings are considered to have resigned as a delegate. Alternates who miss three consecutive Douglas County Central Committee meetings are considered to have resigned.


9.1  ELECTION AND TERMS:  All officers and delegates shall be elected by secret ballot at the Organization Meeting to be held within fifty (50) days following the General Election.  They shall serve for two (2) years.  At the Organization Meeting, only Precinct Committee persons elected in the preceding May Primary are eligible to form a quorum and vote for officers.  To be eligible, the person must be listed on a certified copy of Elected Precinct Committee persons obtained from the Douglas County Clerk’s office.  Appointed and elected Precinct Committee Persons may vote for State Central Committee and  Congressional District Committee Delegates and for other official business.


9.2      Delegates to the State Central Committee and delegates to the  Congressional District Committee shall be elected and vacant delegate positions shall be filled as follows:


9.2.1   Separate elections shall be held for State Central Committee delegates and for Congressional District Committee delegates.


9.2.2   Nominations for delegates shall be taken.  Delegates shall be gender balanced to the extent possible. SCC delegates and alternate delegate positions shall be elected as specified in the Bylaws of the Democratic Party of Oregon; that is, by a process that recognizes three (3) gender categories: female, male and non-binary, and that assures that no gender category shall have greater representation than 50 percent plus one. Non-binary delegate positions shall reduce the male and female delegate positions as evenly as possible. Replacement preference for alternate delegates will utilize gender category first. Racial, age, physical ability, sexual orientation and gender identity diversity will also be considered when electing members to the SCC.


9.2.3   Each elected Precinct person may cast the number of votes equivalent to the number of Delegate positions available to Douglas County by the Bylaws of the Democratic Party of Oregon, with no more than one (1) vote to be cast for any one candidate.


9.2.4   The Chair of the meeting shall appoint a committee to tally the vote and the committee shall report election of candidates in order of the number of votes each receives, the candidate receiving the most votes at the top.


9.2.5   The Chair shall count down the report until enough names have been selected to fill all available positions of Delegates to the State Central Committee and Delegates to the Congressional District Committees.  The delegates, or in the case of an odd number, the delegates and the first alternate, shall consist of an equal number of men and women.  The remainder of the names on the roster shall be designated alternates.  Alternates shall be deemed elected in rank order of replacement preference with each successive pair of alternates consisting of one man and one woman.


9.2.6   Vacancy of any office, including Delegates to the State Central Committee and Delegates to the  Congressional District Committee, may be filled by the county Central Committee by election at subsequent meetings.


9.3 TERM: The term for all Officers and Delegates shall be two years.


10.1  STANDING COMMITTEES shall be:  Ways and Means; Platform and Resolutions;  Outreach and Events;  Candidate, Organization and  PCP Recruitment and Support; and Rules.  Standing Committees shall make periodic reports to the Central and Executive Committee and such other reports as the Chair may require.


10.1.1   Ways and Means. 


10.1.1.a BUDGET: The Ways and Means Committee shall work with the Treasurer and Party Chair in the development of the budget to be submitted to the Executive Committee and the Central Committee. 


10.1.1.b The Party Treasurer shall be a member of the Ways and Means and can serve as the Committee Chair. 


10.1.1.c FUNDRAISING: Ways and Means will also be responsible for initiating fundraising activities.


10.1.2   Platform and Resolutions Committee shall prepare position papers and recommend actions to the Central Committee.


10.1.3   Outreach and Events Committee shall be responsible for planning and coordinating Party outreach and events.


10.1.4   Candidate, Organization and PCP Recruitment and Support Committee. Identify, encourage, and counsel Democrats to seek partisan elective offices and elective positions at all levels of government. Provide counsel to prospective candidates to inform them of other 

possible candidates, sound campaign practices, assistance that may be provided by the Democratic Party, and other services available. Recruit PCPs for all  precincts and train in organization techniques. 


10.1.5   Rules Committee.  Review the bylaws regularly and recommend amendments as needed.  They will provide for approval at any convention of the procedure under which the convention will operate.  Develop operating procedures for conventions.


10.2     CAUCUSES


10.2.1 Young Democrats Caucus:  The Young Democrats will work to engage young voters to become active party members.


10.2.2 Democratic Women Caucus: Democratic Women will work to engage women and women’s issues.


10.2.3 Any group of Douglas County Democrats may join together over a special interest and petition for recognition of their group as a DPDC Caucus. Rules for this and authorization of all caucuses will be established by the Executive Committee. This will include caucus representation on the Executive Committee. Caucus options:  BIPOC, Education, Environmental, Gun Owners, Latino, Native American, Peace, Progressive, Social Justice, Stonewall.


11.1  REGULAR MEETINGS:  The Central Committee shall meet monthly, when necessary.  Meetings shall be called by the Chair, Executive Committee, or by petition of ten percent (10%) of the Central Committee members.  Petitions shall be submitted to the Secretary, specifying the date of the proposed meeting.  Notice of Central Committee meetings shall be mailed, e-mailed or phoned to all members not less than ten (10) days prior to the meeting.  Each meeting notice shall include an agenda of the principal matters proposed for consideration.


11.1.1  QUORUM: A quorum shall consist of fifteen percent (15%) of the elected and appointed precinct persons.


11.1.2  VOTING: Each elected or appointed precinct committee person shall have one (1) vote.  Voting by proxy shall not be allowed.


12.1  EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected officers of the Central Committee (Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary (or Recording and Corresponding), the immediate past Chair, the elected delegates to the State Central Committee and the Congressional Districts, Chair of Caucuses and any additional members appointed by the Chair and approved by the Executive Committee. An appointed member may be removed from the Executive Committee by the Chair with the majority approval of the Executive Committee.


12.2    QUORUM:  A quorum shall be one-half (1/2) of the membership of the Executive Committee. 


12.3    DUTIES OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE:  The Executive Committee shall conduct all necessary business of the Central Committee between meetings of the Central Committee.  The Executive Committee shall have all of the power of the Central Committee, subject to review and approval at the next Central Committee meeting, whenever practicable. It shall coordinate activities of all Standing Committees and plan the agenda for Central Committee meetings.


12.4    EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETINGS:  Executive Committee meetings other than closed sessions or those conducted electronically shall be open to all members of the Central Committee.  The Chair may request a closed session.   No decision will be made in closed session.  Meetings shall be at least once a month, except when the committee may vote to waive a meeting. Telecommunications may be used for a meeting.  All members of the Executive Committee must be reached (if they are available by telecommunication) and notification of a decision and the vote count may be recorded at the next Executive Committee meeting.  Meetings may be held by electronic communications.  Any decision by vote must be recorded.


12.5    MINUTES:  Minutes of each Executive Committee meeting shall be taken, and shall reflect the members present, the nature of discussion, motions made and votes taken.  Such minutes shall be available at the next Central Committee meeting following the Executive Committee meeting, when appropriate.


12.6    RESIGNATION AND REMOVAL OF MEMBERS: A member of the Executive Committee who actively and openly supports a non-Democratic candidate for partisan elective office when a Democrat is running for the same office is subject to removal by a two-thirds vote of the Central Committee.


13.1  BUDGET: The Treasurer shall work with the Ways and Means Committee (if such Committee exists) and Chair in developing a budget for each upcoming year and a provisional budget for the subsequent year. This budget proposal will be submitted to the Executive Committee and the Central Committee at their respective meetings in November. A copy of the budget proposal will be sent by email or mail to all Central Committee members (PCPs) at least ten (10) days prior to the Central Committee meeting.

13.1.1 The Chair, at their discretion, may call a special Central Committee meeting for the sole purpose of adopting an annual budget. 


13.1.2 The purpose of the Provisional Budget is to provide guidance for the preparation of the final budget for the subsequent year. It is non-binding and may be updated as the current year progresses by the Treasurer and/or the Ways and Means Committee (if it exists). The Provisional Budget will not be voted on until submitted as the proposed budget for the next calendar year and becomes binding at that time.


13.2    AMENDMENT OF PROPOSED BUDGET:  During the meeting to consider the budget, members of the Central Committee may offer amendments to the proposed budget. All amendment proposals are subject to majority approval of those PCPs present at the meeting.


13.3    ADOPTION OF BUDGET:   The proposed budget, including approved amendments, shall become the operating budget for the upcoming calendar year upon majority approval of the Central Committee.


13.4    REVISION OF AMENDMENT OF THE BUDGET:  Revisions or amendments of the operating budget may be submitted by the Executive Committee or any member of the Central Committee, as follows:

13.4.1 Minor changes, those of ten percent (10%) or less of the total budget, may be approved by a majority of the Executive Committee and need not be referred to the Ways and Means Committee or Central Committee. 


13.4.2 Major changes, those over ten percent (10%) of the budget, shall be submitted to the Ways and Means Committee and approved by a majority of the Central Committee in attendance at the next regular meeting. 




14.1    Douglas County Platform Convention.  A Douglas County Platform Convention may be called prior to the State Convention or at any time the Central Committee votes by majority vote to hold a Convention. The purpose of this convention shall be to adopt a platform and to nominate delegates to the State Convention. All Democrats registered to vote in Douglas County shall be eligible to participate in accordance with the rules of the convention.


14.2    Election of Delegates and Alternates to State Platform Convention.


14.2.1 Douglas County Delegation.  The State Democratic Party will determine how many delegates and alternates may represent Douglas County at the Oregon State Democratic Platform Convention.


14.2.2 Nomination of Delegates.   Nominations will be made at the Douglas County Central Committee meeting or at the Douglas County Platform Convention.  All registered Douglas County Democrats are eligible to be delegates or alternates.


14.2.3 Election of Delegates and Alternates.  Voting shall be conducted by a plurality voting system at a Douglas County Central Committee meeting in accordance with the DPO deadline.


14.2.4 Determination of winners.  Delegates shall be determined by the order of the number of votes each receives in this election.      




15.1    DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY:  Officers need to promote a vigorous primary race where the Party equally assists all Democrats. No endorsements may be made in the primary. No officer may endorse any candidate other than a Democratic candidate. Such an endorsement would cause the officer to be subject to recall.


15.2    NON-PARTISAN:  A candidate may be endorsed with a 2/3 vote of the Central Committee.  No endorsements may be made until after the close of candidate filing.




16.1    RESOLUTIONS Presented to Executive & Platform & Resolutions Committees: Any member of the Douglas County Central Committee may submit a copy of a resolution to the Chair who will submit it to the Platform and Resolutions Committee, which will assist the writer regarding proper form and content. Said committee will then present the resolution to the Central Committee with or without recommendation. A copy of the resolution must be sent to precinct persons no less than 10 days prior to the meeting of the Central Committee in which action on the resolution will be considered.


16.2    OTHER RESOLUTIONS:  The Central Committee may consider other resolutions at a regular Central Committee meeting if:


16.2.1 Presented in proper written form as used by the State Central Committee’s Platform and Resolutions Committee.


16.2.2 Two-thirds of the Central Committee agreed to waive the 10-day notice requirements

16.2.3 Approval.  All resolutions need a simple majority to be approved.


16.3  Time sensitive resolutions may be submitted to and passed or rejected by the Executive Committee and shall be considered by the procedures in 16.2 above.




17.1    The Central Committee, when and where practicable, and upon demand, may divide into geographical political organization groups of precinct committee persons, known as committees, associations, or subdivisions, as follows:


17.1.1 Central.  Roseburg, Winston, Green and surrounding area.


17.1.2 Eastern.  Dixonville, Glide, Idleyld, Tokatee and Diamond Lake.


17.1.3 Western.  Reedsport and surrounding area, including Scottsburg and Loon Lake.


17.1.4 Southern.  Myrtle Creek, Canyonville, Riddle, Glendale, Days Creek, Tiller, and Azalea.


17.1.5 Northern.  Sutherlin, Oakland, Drain and Yoncalla and Elkton


17.2    The objectives of the subdivision central committees shall be to further the aims of the Democratic Party, to assist in the election of Party candidates, and to educate Party members.


17.3    Such geographical central committees shall be responsible to the Central Committee on all matters of countywide concern and all such matters must be submitted to the Central Committee for decision and action.


17.4    Subdivision central committees may sponsor Democratic activities to promote the aims and objectives of the Party, the Central Committee and the subdivision.


17.5    All geographic committees within Douglas County shall submit names and addresses of contact persons, dates and times of meetings and other relevant and pertinent information to the Central Committee Chair for publication in the DCDCC minutes.


17.6    Formation and organization of all such additional geographic subdivisions and organizations shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Committee and the Central Committee.


17.7    Notice of all meetings with an agenda shall be given to the Chair of the Central Committee seven days prior to the meeting.


18.1  AMENDMENT OF THESE BYLAWS:  These bylaws of the Democratic Central Committee of Douglas County may be amended or changed by the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Members present and voting at any regular meeting, or a specially called meeting, other than the Organization meeting with appropriate prior notice to Members (Precinct Committee Persons) 


18.2    NOTICE REQUIREMENTS: “Notice” under these Bylaws, unless provided otherwise, may be made in any of the following ways:


18.2.1 Vocal notice, at the immediately prior Central Committee meeting or by telephone, is effective immediately for those PCPs in attendance. PCPs not in attendance will receive written notice as described in 18.2.2


18.2.2 Written notice, at least ten (10) calendar days prior to the meeting by: E-mail to the last known email address provided by the Precinct Committee Person to receive notice, effective upon confirmation from the Corresponding Secretary that the email was delivered; First-class mail, postage paid, if no email address is known.


18.2.3 Precinct Committee Persons are responsible for notifying the Corresponding Secretary of changes in their preferred contact method or contact information and in verifying that  official communications are properly received.

18.3     The rules committee shall meet as soon as possible after the Primary Election to review the bylaws and recommend any changes for approval by the Central Committee at or before the last Central Committee meeting prior to the Organization meeting. Such approval shall constitute a fresh adoption of the bylaws by the Central Committee. 


19.1  PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURES AND AUTHORITY:  Roberts Rules of Order, newly revised shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters not covered in the Democratic Central Committee of Douglas County Bylaws.  For the purpose of determining the outcome of any vote taken under these bylaws, an abstention shall be counted as a vote cast.

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