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A Lasting Legacy

Would you like to leave a lasting legacy that will help elect Democrats and support your own democratic ideals for generations to come?  Would you like to do that right here in Douglas County? You can.  We can. Yes, we can. It costs you nothing now, and would leave a legacy for generations.


The Democratic Party of Douglas County Planned Giving Program 


Leave a lasting legacy by helping elect and support Democrats in Douglas County for generations to come by leaving a bequest for the Democratic Party of Douglas County. You can give any amount; there is no minimum or maximum donation accepted.

There are three main types of bequests that you can give:  

  1. List our party as a beneficiary in your will. You can set  a percentage or amount of your estate to leave. 

  2. Make a residuary bequest. This means the Democratic Party of Douglas County will be left a gift after everyone and everything else in your will has been taken care of. 

  3. Designate a contingent bequest. If you live longer than an initial recipient of your will, that amount will go to the Democratic Party of Douglas County. 


There are several online will-making services that enable people to create a will economically. One such service, FreeWill, enables a visitor to fill out a form to create a custom will. See the YouTube video from FreeWill.

Bonsai Plant Flowers

Are you ready to take the next step? Before changing your will or adding a codicil, you should always consult with your attorney.


Our official designations for legal purposes:

Douglas County Democratic Central Committee
742 SE Cass Ave
Roseburg, OR 97470
EIN # 20-5522704


For more information about lasting legacies and your Democratic Party, contact our office, 541-672-8803. Tell the person who answers the phone that you are interested in the Lasting Legacy program and that you would like the Ways and Means Chairperson to contact you. Leave a preferred time and means (email or phone) for her to contact you.

Planned Gifts are not tax deductible and are subject to contribution limits. Paid for by The Democratic Party of Douglas County, Oregon. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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